
Category: Insurances

Financial Planning For Cancer Patients

White and blue polka dot piggy bank looking at a stack of coins.

By David Baruffi, DipFP B.Ec MTax, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Director, Blueprint Wealth In my experience, people diagnosed with cancer immediately start to stress about their financial position, particularly how they will continue to pay their mortgage or rent. Here are some tips on what you should do if you are diagnosed with cancer or any […]

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Personal Insurance Advice – A Life Example

Financial Planner Meeting in Perth - Blueprint Wealth

By Nicholas Horstman, Associate Financial Advisor Personal insurance has evolved over the years to incorporate different types of cover, various options and different ownership structures. For someone who doesn’t work in the industry, it can appear rather unnecessarily complicated. Let me give you an example how we, as advisers, assist clients in the recommendations, ongoing […]

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The importance of insurance

Reducing stress during difficult times Brad Martin, Blueprint Wealth Financial Advisor, shares a story in the following video about one of the first clients he worked with when he began his career as an advisor in 2007. The experience with this family reminds him each day why insurance is so important. ? Hi, I’m Brad […]

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How might divorce affect insurance cover?

By Dee Chan, Financial Advisor More than 45,000 Australian couples divorce each year, and almost half of those divorces involve children under the age of 18. Thousands of de facto relationships will also come to an end. Regardless of the type of relationship, it is a time of great emotional stress. This stress is intensified […]

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What personal insurances should I have?

What Personal Insurances Do I Need

By Dee Chan, Financial Advisor Personal risk management is a critical foundation stone of any financial plan. The key personal insurances are: Life insurance. This pays a lump sum benefit when you die. Total and permanent disability insurance (TPD). A lump sum is paid if you meet the policy definition of being totally and permanently […]

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Plan for the unexpected now – find the insurances that are right for you

Girl and her mother enjoying vacation on sailboat

By Casey Shaw, Financial Advisor One of the joys in life is that we don’t know what will happen next. Most of us have positive expectations but sometimes life doesn’t follow our lead and we’re dealt a blow. It’s how we manage each experience – or how we’ve planned ahead – that will make it […]

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The Importance of Life Insurance For Your Family

By Casey Shaw, Financial Advisor Paul Taylor was a fit and active 45-year old who drowned while swimming in surf on a family holiday. Witnessing this tragic event unfold from the beach were Paul’s wife, Sue, their 15-year-old daughter Sophie and 12-year-old son Zac. Relatives and friends were a great support during the following days, […]

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My recent accident – a stark reminder of how valuable insurances are

By Greg Major, Financial Advisor I was skiing on new snow, light but not deep, excited to be out finally after a few days of poor conditions. Warming up on a relatively gentle run, on piste and not the steep forested back-country hazards that you almost expect to bring you down. Then without warning, literally […]

Read "My recent accident – a stark reminder of how valuable insurances are"

1 in 2 Australian men and 1 in 3 Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85*

By Ebony Van Hamburg, Paraplanner What an astonishing figure. With odds like this it is almost a necessity in life now to consider what would happen if someone in your family was diagnosed with cancer. Hopefully you are diagnosed early enough so it is treatable and you can return to your normal, everyday life, but […]

Read "1 in 2 Australian men and 1 in 3 Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85*"

Life Insurance for 26 year old

By Ebony Van Hamburg*, Associate Financial Planner, Blueprint Wealth I just took out over $1 million of life insurance. You are probably thinking that seems like a lot of insurance cover to take out at my age, right? I took out insurance for the reason of future insurability. Currently, I am 26 years of age, […]

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