
Category: Retirement Planning

What questions should I ask my financial advisor before retirement?

Couple speaking to Blueprint Wealth Finaincal Advsior about SMSF

Living a Happy Retirement with the Right Super Advice – why it’s important to get advice, what questions you should be asking about retirement and superannuation You’ve worked hard for many years and now have earned retirement. Getting the right advice for a happy retirement is crucial. Professional advice can help you optimise your superannuation […]

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Retirement Risks: The Financial Risk Of Boredom!

Retirement Couple Planning their Finances in Kitchen

By David Baruffi, Managing Director In my 25 years of providing financial planning advice, I have come to realise that one of the greatest financial retirement risks facing pre-retirees is boredom. Let me provide an example. I recently met with husband-and-wife clients who are in their 60th year and have undertaken all of the hard […]

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Don’t wait until your 60s to see a financial adviser

By Dee Chan, Financial Advisor Ask most 30-year-olds who their financial planner is and the typical response might be ‘huh?’ After all, financial advisers are for older people with plenty of money to invest, aren’t they? Well, yes, people nearing or in retirement will benefit from sound advice. But so will younger people. With the […]

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Women: achieving a comfortable retirement

Grandmother walking in warmth of sun with granddaughter.

Many women dream of a retirement where they can kick back and relax, do whatever they like and be free from the demands of others – actually focusing on caring for themselves. But this step often means being free from financial worries or concerns and for a large proportion of women, the prospect of a […]

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Retirement – it’s time to get busy!

By David Baruffi, Financial Advisor Many people eagerly anticipate retirement. Others view its approach with trepidation, worried over how they’ll fill their days. Bob retired from work in his early sixties and, deciding he was way too young to retire from life, downsized his suburban home for a country lakeside retreat. He bought a little […]

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Retirement – making it the best part of your life!

By David Baruffi, Financial Advisor Many Australians are choosing to retire by the age of 60, or even earlier, ready to do all the things they could only dream about during their working years. However, with improved health services and medical technology the chance of living to 90 years or beyond could be more realistic […]

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Financial Pearls of Wisdom for Retirement Planning

By Dee Chan, Financial Advisor As we approach retirement some people start to panic a little wondering if they are truly looking forward to the time of their life when they no longer have to work. All of a sudden something they have been pining for is becoming real! Instead of worrying, have a read […]

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Transition to Retirement Strategy – down, but not out

By Dee Chan. Financial Advisor Thanks to changes to superannuation, Transition to Retirement (TTR) pensions have lost a little of their gloss with earnings on the investments that support the pension being taxed at 15%. This applies from 1 July 2017 to both new and existing pensions. However, that’s about the extent of the bad […]

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Downsizing for Retirement

By David Baruffi, Financial Advisor The kids have finally left home and now you’re rattling around in a house way bigger than you need. If it’s time to think about downsizing, there’s more to it than simply selling one house and buying another. Here are a few things to consider. Tax-free gain Selling a large […]

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Transition to Retirement Income Streams

HOW DO TRANSITION TO RETIREMENT (TTR) INCOME STREAMS WORK? They allow you to withdraw up to 10% of your superannuation savings in the form of a pension without needing to stop work. Even if you’re nearing retirement age you mightn’t be looking to leave the workforce just yet. Maybe you want to save more money, or perhaps […]

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