Find Your Superannuation Video Series Part 1

We have created a series of three videos to help you locate your superannuation online, using a set of tools that have recently become available online from the Australian government and Taxation Office.

View Part 2 and Part 3 of the series.

You can read the transcription of Find Your Superannuation Part 1 below:

Hi, this is Greg Major from Blueprint Wealth. Welcome to the first in a series of three videos we’ve put together to help you locate all of your superannuation online, using a set of tools that have recently become available from the Australian Government and from the tax office.

Okay, so today we’re going to go and have a look at how to set up your myGov account, which is a really convenient way of taking a look online at your various super accounts. You may not know where all your super is, but nowadays, because the government has the ability to track your super through your tax file number, you can have oversight of your super whether you know about it or not. In other words, those super accounts that you’re aware of, but even some that you might have forgotten about, you can track it through what’s known as the myGov website.

So we’re going to walk you through step by step how to set up a myGov account and how you can look at tracing your super very easily through the myGov website. Let’s go in and first of all, have a look at setting up the myGov account, and from there, we’ll look at getting an overview of your super, so it’s really easy to do.

First of all, go into myGov. It’s just and hit enter. That will bring you to the myGov website as you can see here. If you haven’t got an account already, just go to create myGov account, click on that and that will bring you to the create new account. Create a myGov account as you can see.

If you’ve already got a user name, you could log in, but if you don’t, this is where you set a new one up. Go down here, you’ve got to accept their terms of use or if you want to read those terms of use by clicking on that link. Otherwise, accept it there. Go to next. Alright, I’m going to set up my account here and I’m going to put in my email address. I have to confirm it like that. Put in my mobile number. I’ve got to put in a password, which has got to meet their strength requirements. You won’t be able to see that because it’s all dotted out.

Let’s see if I’ve done that correctly. We’ve got a bunch of security questions, which you have to put in: name of your first street. I’ve put a list up in but I’m going to have to obviously black this out so you can’t see that at home and get all my sensitive data. Model of the first car I had to drive in. There’s a lot of these. Favorite subject, okay.

Once you put your security questions in, you can choose your own. Make sure your information’s correct. Click next. Make sure your email addresses match, so what have I done? Okay, I’ve misspelled my email address. Go back, check that, click next. All right, so I’ve got my myGov account and it’s given me a user name. So you’ve got your user name and they’re going to send you an email and you can hear the beep in the background. That’s them sending me the email. Write that down, go on, click next.

They have sent a new message to my inbox and now, we can choose to be notified by email or SMS and we just select our preferences there. Its easy. If we’re happy with that, click continue and we’re in.

That’s as easy as it is to create your myGov account and now we’re ready to go in and start setting up stage 2, which will take a look at finding all our super.

If you have any questions about finding your superannuation or would like to review your personal financial plan, please contact us for an initial consultation.