Your Essential New Year Checklist

These tips can help your health, wealth and happiness flourish in the coming year.

Another year has flashed by even quicker than the last. Now’s the time to look back on whether you achieved everything you wanted to last year and set your goals for the coming year.

Here are some tips to help you get organised.

Health and fitness

Make appointments for health and fitness assessments. Then set your goals and work out a plan for achieving them.

Check any fitness club memberships—and your budget—to make sure you’ll be able to renew them when the time comes. You can also build less-expensive options into your weekly schedule like running, walking, stretching, bodyweight training, and if you’ve got a bike, maybe some cycling too!


Your new year will be much easier with your finances in order.

  • Put a budget in place so you’ll have money to cover everything you’re aiming to achieve in 2015—including Christmas shopping later in the year.
  • Switch to paperless statements and bills and save on mounting paperwork while you help the environment.
  • Set-up a file for your tax return—with a place ready for filing receipts throughout the year there’ll be no need to go searching and tax time will be much smoother.
  • Put plans in place to reduce your debt. Consider putting extra money into your credit card and visit a financial adviser so you can make plans to pay off debt and free up some cash.

What is a financial advisor? Find out here >>


Make plans now so life’s easier for you and your family:

  • Think about the things you’d like to have done last year but didn’t, and find ways to spend quality time together this year—do you need to find more work-life balance.
  • Make arrangements to see people or go places that are important to you. Put reminders in your smartphone or diary can keep you on track.
  • Plan ahead for loved ones’ birthdays and make bookings now so you can ensure their day is special.
  • Take the stress out of dinner time—consider making mealtimes and shopping easier with food plans and shared responsibilities.

Stay on track throughout the year

Life’s busy—there’s always so much to do. Tick off your achievements throughout the year and remember to take time to reward yourself as you reach each one!

If you’d like some help getting started, contact your financial adviser today. At Blueprint Wealth, we offer financial advice that is right for you, no matter what stage of life you are at. Contact us to set up a plan that is right for you.

Important note: © AMP Life Limited. This provides general information and hasn’t taken your circumstances into account.  It’s important to consider your particular circumstances before deciding what’s right for you. Although the information is from sources considered reliable, AMP does not guarantee that it is accurate or complete. You should not rely upon it and should seek qualified advice before making any investment decision. Except where liability under any statute cannot be excluded, AMP does not accept any liability (whether under contract, tort or otherwise) for any resulting loss or damage of the reader or any other person. Those strategies like salary sacrificing which have tax arrangements should be discussed with a registered tax agent.