Superannuation changes from 2017

The revised proposed changes to super have now passed through both houses of parliament and are due to become part of Australian superannuation law. The new laws will generally affect individuals with relatively high super balances, and will change contributions rules and the tax breaks available in super with most taking effect from 1 July 2017.
How will they impact you?
Earlier this year, the Federal Budget announcement included a proposal to introduce changes to super bigger than the likes of anything we’ve seen in almost a decade. Then, in September the government announced some significant adjustments to its proposal.
The revised proposed changes to super have now passed through both houses of parliament and are due to become part of Australian superannuation law. The new laws will generally affect individuals with relatively high super balances, and will change contributions rules and the tax breaks available in super with most taking effect from 1 July 2017.
Download the full article for details.
This article covers some of the main points here but there are other changes that may also affect you. If you have questions about the best course of action in the lead up to the changes, please contact us to set up a time to come in so we can look ahead and put plans in place to help you make the most of your money.